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Decaying Damnation is chock full of interesting personalities.

Here are the five that will be playable!

Kazu Norowa

"You know, I'm getting real damn tired of this."

Kazu's our protagonist, though quite the opposite of the typical "I'm gonna save everyone! Yay! Good things!" He considers the entirety of the human race a bunch of cowards for never fighting back at the Umbras, and the reason he decides to take a stand is simply because he doesn't want to be inferior to the Umbras. - Voiced By Kazenna

Phay Hikari

"I fight for the sake of the innocent people who were killed."

Phay's as polar-opposite of Kazu as a person can get. Of course, this doesn't mean they won't work together for the common goal of stopping the Umbras. However, her reason is to help the innocent people. While she and Kazu get into arguments, she's the one who'll keep the group smiling even in the darkest of days~ - Voiced By Sierra Hyde

Jin Shiro

"Let me show you how a bounty hunter does it!"

Jin's a highly-skilled mercenary out hunting Umbras for profit.  Why he needs this money so much? Nobody knows. Besides the typical "pay your taxes, and make sure you have food", Jin might be hiding something more personal about his life. - Voiced By Gotti 

Airi Akemi

"I can do more than just fight them."

When the mayor of Hon Kage City left to investigate the Umbra situation, Airi took his place and watched over the citizens. However, due to a strange Umbrian power she is discovered to weild, she joins the group in their attempt to stop the Umbras.  - Voiced By Katerinu

Hiro Miyazaki

"C'mon, can't a guy get a hug from a pretty girl every now and then so he doesn't forget he's alive??"

Hiro is a researcher, on Umbras, to be more specific. He's been trying to figure out where Umbras come from, and how people like Airi develop strange powers pertaining to the Umbras. However, spending so long looking into this has made him lose sight of his, well, social skills.  - Voiced By Nickpop123

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